The Astroshamanic Binary Tarot is basically used to create complete and partial arrangements representing multidimensional and shamanic cosmologies on the ground or other surfaces so as to enable individuals to position and move in significan positions. These arrangements are employed and taught in seminars and sessions. In addition to this experiential and ritual use, the cards can be used for meditation, guidance, inspiration and divinatory purposes in ways similar to those of traditional decks.
In this article we deal with the simplest and most essential layout, which will be followed by other simple and more complex spreads in our next articles.
Before starting a layout and reading dwell on your intention and function. Then carry out a brief centering practice, such as the opening of the Sacred Cone, or the Holy Practice of the Circle of the 12. After the practice transfer the energy to the deck, shuffling it 12 times, then using the right and left hand, place the cards on the forehead, the belly and the heart, finally laying them down on a table.
This layout involves drawing only one card and placing it face-down on a surface. Then close your eyes and consider your intent, what you want, highlighting the bright aspects, then take note of any grievance, discomfort, fear or dark aspects. Finally enter into a space of neutrality, in the Center, becoming a detached witness of the above. Open yourself to the feelings, thoughts and intuitions you receive.
Then open your eyes, turn the card and focus on it for a while, bringing your attention to your breath, inhaling and exhaling deeply. Close your eyes again and hold the card in your mind. Pay attention to how you feel, what stands out about the card. Then allow your imagination to be creatively at work: the symbols and seal of the card can change or it can move in a setting spontaneously emerges. After a while open your eyes again and look more carefully at the card. Focus on the glyph and what reminds you or stimulates you. Consider the technical nature of the card, its binary or matrix number.
This is the simplest arrangement that you can use from time to time or also daily as guidance.
You can also consider the card together with the binary of the day. For example, if today the Sun is in Gemini and the Moon in Sagittarius (binary 3.9), while the card you have chosen is binary 2.8. The latter is the key to understanding the nature of the current moment and transcending its separate and conventional aspects.
This is the simplest arrangement that can allow you to learn about the cards individually, allowing each of them to act as an inspirational element for the day.