This Epiphany workshop is for those who long to take a decisive leap into the discovery and manifestation of their unique talents and authentic potentials, so as to provide benefits to themselves and the whole environment.
The workshop also aims at showing how apparently insurmountable obstacles and crisis can be used to give shape to our most ambitious dreams. During our time together we will also unveil how in every moment of our life, dark times included, we are never alone and there are immense forces available to provide support.
In English the term epiphany indicates the manifestation of a supernatural or divine reality, a sudden intuitive leap of understanding, especially through a visible ordinary yet striking occurrence. The term comes from the Greek epiphaneia, which means “manifestation” or “appearance”. In the Anglican, Eastern, and Roman Catholic Churches the Epiphany is also a traditional feast held on 6 January, celebrating the divine manifestation of Jesus Christ to the three Magician-Astrologer-Shaman Kings, who brought the gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. The Epiphany exemplifies the alignment of the Three Magi, representing the height of human wisdom, spirituality and power, with our higher multidimensional nature, as represented by the Christ.
The Epiphany is a festival of most ancient origin and is meant to indicate the alignment between physical third-dimensional and multidimensional reality. It is connected with the stage of intention, the phase when we stretch into the multidimensional realm, connecting with our higher self and catching a glimpse of our true nature with all its potentials fully accomplished. It is the experience of the apex of power, which is then either grounded in our life or vanished as a passing dream… (click here to read Franco’s article on the Epiphany).
The workshop is in English and Italian.
The workshop takes place during the Capricorn cycle, ideal for identifying and implementinc luminous pragmatic goals and at the final stage of the 12 Days of Christmas.
The event takes place at:
Casale in Lunigiana
Ronco, località Merizzo,
Villafranca in Lunigiana 54028 (Massa, Italy)
Tel. 0187420736