To proceed along the spiritual and multidimensional path you need to come to terms with the beast that dwells within you, the repressed part of your soul furiously screaming inside. We have strayed so far from this part that we cannot hear it anymore, except at certain moments, as for example during full moons.
We can feel the beast either internally, through a sudden rage we experience, or externally through the anger of people we meet.
From an energetic point of view there is no difference between the anger we feel and the anger we see in others. Internal or external, as long as anger causes fear, condemnation, guilt or even more anger, we are always dealing with our anger.
Therefore in the presence of anger, it is useless to waste time to understand to whom it belongs. What matters is finding a way to manage it, transforming it in a luminous way.
In most cases, anger is the result of a deep frustration due to something that we fail to express. It is often our chronic reticence and procrastination that causes it, the fact that we make promises to ourselves and to others, and then we forget or let ourselves be distracted by something else. So, it is necessary to remember our intentions, the last moment in which we have experienced clarity.
Anger is an accumulation of energy that we have not expressed towards what matters to us in life, and which risks exploding if we do not act accordingly.
In certain times of the year energy builds up reaching a climax. If there is clarity it is an ideal time to act, take bold initiatives, and do what is right. Here we can choose to stay in a temporary security space, where we take time or pretend nothing is happening, or risk and take a brave step towards new resolutions. Simply taking one small step can be already most significant. The question at this stage is: “Is there anything I can do to honor what I want?”
The key here is not to reflect and ponder in order to receive an answer, which we have probably received many times. It is perhaps a question of transforming the feelings we already have into an act, even accepting that the act itself will provide the answer …