In the name of God, who has made the following available, despite its copious gaps and imperfections, and to whom this work is entrusted so that he can dispose of it, destroying or preserving it, on the exclusive basis of His Will. The Curator of the work underlines with abundant insistence that this atlas is a work of pure strategic fiction, which is therefore not intended to replace the sacred texts of religious traditions or avant-garde spirituality of the terrestrial sphere, which the reader is invited to consult for effective spiritual inspiration.
The Institutum Provisorium welcomes the opportunity to offer, God willing, the first edition of this exclusive atlas, intended as a strategic and imaginative tool for crossing the threshold of arbitrary human configuration and navigating the multidimensional realities exemplified by the Epic of the Sacred Cone. To this end, we highlight that the most critical moment for the multidimensional wayfarer does not consist so much in the journey, but in the decision to undertake it and in the fatal contingency of departure. Hence, it follows that this work aims to assist both those who are about to navigate in the territories covered by this work and those who have already embarked on the journey. The most relevant aspects of the atlas concern the political sphere and the relative exposure of territorial borders, states, nations, trinity, cities and localities. The work is structured in three well-differentiated sections. The first section is a general introduction to the Handorian State System, featuring individual cards and maps for each state and nation, and coded information on navigation procedures. The second section includes geographic cartography. The third section, still hypothetical, collects in alphabetical order the main toponyms reported in the cartography and a guide to their most relevant aspects, together with the maps of the main cities.
The Handorian States System (HSS), or more informally Handor, is a strategic, multidimensional and parallel universe, whose strategic function consists in establishing mutually beneficial relationships with separate realities. These relationships are fundamentally about liberation from the deceptions, suffering, conflicts, guilt, fear, death and identification with physical bodies inherent in realities based on separation and the linearity of time. From this perspective, HSS represents a preparatory configuration of transition from a painful and tyrannical perception of existence to full awareness of reality based on unity and unconditional love. HSS therefore works firstly to facilitate emancipation from enslavement to material reality and from identification with separate physical bodies, promoting the use of fourth and fifth dimensional bodies intentionally aimed at integral settlement in the spiritual dimension. The trait most repeatedly emphasized by the Curator regarding the nature of HSS lies in the strategic term, whereby HSS, far from presenting itself as an effective reality, expressly declares itself as a fantastic or imaginary reality aimed solely at achieving a recreational goal of spiritual healing. It follows that in no way does it intend to replace or even just join the cosmologies or revelations of the religious traditions present on planet Earth.
HSS derives its name from Handor, a very remote and inadequate synonym of the term God, as radically devoid of identification with male or female polarities, beyond any possible dualism, alien to any aspect of material reality, incompatible and irreconcilable with the typical notion of conventional human religions. On the one hand, the earthly and physical reality, in which pain, separation and death are present, is radically alien to the nature of Handor. It is so inconceivable as to require a shift into an arbitrary integrative dimension, precisely HSS, in order to allow its minimal and remote perception. However, this perception is sufficient to arouse immense horror with regard to the ways of life of mankind, with particular regard to those most encouraged and practised, such as nutrition, sexual reproduction and procreation. From this perspective, the earthly dimension can be summarily described as a perverse and infernal reality, fundamentally sadistic and masochistic, in which its creatures are raised, tortured and slaughtered in order to support a ruthless process of separation in the fourth and fifth dimensions. Humankind is broadly understood as a devastating virus, whose reproduction and procreation has the function of preventing access to any dimension based on unity, to ensure the survival of separation.
On the other hand, the above is reversed and becomes anathema, whereby earthly reality instead performs a function compatible with Handor’s will and is therefore totally justifiable in its existence.
HSS, as described in this text, is intended as the most extreme outpost of unity, the one where the boundary between unity and separation lies. Since separation is inconceivable for unity, it follows that the operation of HSS aims at both integrating and destroying separation. HSS can be likened to a transitional area to Heaven, as conceived in various Earth religious traditions. Similarly HSS, in some ways and in particular in some of its adjacent areas, can be associated with Purgatory.
Handor is pure love, ecstasy and joy, alien to any form of pain, judgment and separation, therefore It/He/She is not the creator of the material plane nor of linear time and death, which are the expression of illusion and deceptions of which mankind is a victim. However, the above is expressed in a very precarious way, and it is not within the scope of this text to provide insights, which the reader can carry out by referring to specific readings. The closest approximation in terms of human culture of the nature of Handor and the spirituality that characterizes HSS relates to the teachings of Gnosticism, A Course in Miracles, Sufism, non-dualism, and other similar Eastern and Eastern esoteric traditions.
The multidimensional and spiritual version of all human beings is present in HSS, where their separate and shadow aspect dwells on the earth plane. The minimum HSS login requirement implies liberation from the third dimensional body and conscious exercise of the fourth dimensional body, coupled with a full consent of the fifth dimensional body in partnership with the sixth dimensional one. In short, access to HSS is possible only for those who, after leaving the physical vehicle definitively or temporarily, express the operational will to return to Handor. There are different categories of access to HSS based on the operational nature of multidimensional bodies, broadly defined as the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions.
How to use the atlas?
It is entirely up to you.
If you are really inspired to use this reference, you can trace the area corresponding to your astrological birth data, according to the Binary System, which respectively includes the 144 combinations of the positions of the Sun and the Moon in the 12 Sectors of the Sacred Circle, i.e. the 12 zodiac signs, which here represent the fragmented parts of human consciousness, and the 144 subdivisions of the 12 zodiacal signs in multiples of 12, each of 2.5° (Dodekatemoria or Dwadashamsha). The 12 Sectors are associated with the 12 zodiacal signs and 12 houses, given in their natural order: 1 Aries, 2 Taurus, 3 Gemini, 4 Cancer, 5 Leo, 6 Virgo, 7 Libra, 8 Scorpio, 9 Sagittarius, 10 Capricorn, 11 Aquarius, 12 Pisces.
The combination is described by joining the Sun Sector number followed by the Moon Sector number, separated by a dot or dash. So, for Sun in Libra and Moon in Aries, the reference is 7.1. The description of the Binary System is on this link:, where you will find at the bottom of the page a partial description of one of the 144 Nations of the Handorian States.
You can also use the Astroshamanic Triune System, which incorporates the rising star sign. The position of the Ascendant follows the Sun-Moon combination. For example, Sun in Virgo and Moon in Scorpio with Scorpio Rising is described as 6.8.8. In summary, the first number is the position of the Sun, the second the position of the Moon, the third that of the Ascendant.
You can also use the Provisional Alphanumeric Code (CAP) derived from the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet and 26 letters of the Roman alphabet, and it provides the operating interface of the PTU. Following the associations of the Provisional Alphanumeric Code (CAP)
1: A; N; 1 or 13 letters;
2:B; OR; 2 or 14 letters;
3:C; P; 3 or 15 letters;
4:D; Q; 4 or 16 letters;
5: E; R; 5 or 17 letters;
6:F; Yes; 6 or 18 letters
7: G; T; 7 or 19 letters;
8:H; U; 8 or 20 letters;
9: I/J; V/W; 9 or 21 letters;
10: K; X; 10 or 22 letters;
11: L; Y; 11 or 23 letters;
12:M; Z; 12 or 24 letters;
In application to the names includes
Stage 1 (Sun): The first letter
Stage 2 (Moon): The last letter
Stage 3 (Ascending): the total number of letters (spaces between names are considered a number)