In this section you can find a list of celebrities.
In some cases you can find either two or three numbers in brackets next to their name or at the end of their short biography.
Three numbers in brackets indicate the Astroshamanic Trinity System and are given only when the ascendant of the celebrity is available. The first two numbers are the same for all the listed celebrities, since they refer to the given binary, while the third and last number is the ascendant. The numbers correspond to the zodiac sign in their natural order: 1 Aries, 2 Taurus, 3 Gemini, 4 Cancer, 5 Leo, 6 Virgo, 7 Libra, 8 Scorpio, 9 Sagittarius; 10 Capricorn, 11 Aquarius, 12 Pisces. The following terms applied to planets correspond to the details given in brackets: Power (conjunct the Sun), Vessel (conjunct the Moon), Instrument (conjunct the Ascendant), Flower (conjunct the Midheaven), Root (conjunct the Immum Coeli).