Deep love relationships, when they are based on surrender to the relationship itself rather than the adherence to belief systems regarding how relationships should be, are gateways into other dimensions, whatever and whoever we have separated ourselves from.
The reason these relationships can be so challenging, even most devastating, is completely legitimate. They shatter the whole paradigm of our human consensus reality, shedding light upon all our denials and fears, forcing us to come to terms with who we truly are.
If you are truly in a deep intimate relationship with someone, this someone will stalk and obsess you relentlessly, taking any possible shape in time and space, causing chaos and disruptions in your bogus identity, till you finally surrender to the reality of who you are.
This is the task of a deep love relationship. It is uncompromising about this love. It pursues its ultimate task no matter what. It is the result of a pact made in heaven. It may seem toxic, dysfunctional, co-dependent, psychotic, name it, and so it will be until you become bluntly aware that this is indeed the nature of the consensus reality you are in.
When you realise this, when you understand that your partner is simply trying to draw your attention out of this separate reality, then you will find out where he or she truly is, where you have always been. And if you just catch a glimpse of it, your life in this world will change forever!
© Franco Santoro