5/7 – Leo/Libra
Binary Number: 55
Degrees: 5-7½° Leo
Aspect: sextile
Moon Phase: crescent
Binary Spirit: Surahim Ataherah
Handorian Reference: State of Harte, Realm of Hartnort
Provisional Territorial Unit: England, East and West Midlands
In the Astroshamanic Binary System Sun in Leo (5) and Moon in Libra (7) constitute Binary 5.7, or Binary number 55.
Sun in Leo and Moon in Libra mix Fixed Fire with Cardinal Air. This binary strengthens the solar plexus connection with our Core Multidimensional Identity, the web of life, the activation of the original umbilical chord linking us to our authentic nature.
Those who resonate with 5.7 are major resources of attraction and beauty. They may include show business stars, as well as all those in your life who generate irresistible attraction. 5.7 is merely the stage aimed at stimulating the relationship with the solar plexus centre, while 5.8 represents the crucial climax of such a connection.
The attraction element in relationships is a controlled reflection of the multi-dimensional realms serving the purpose of filtering the energy required for generating a separate reality. Yet, once this energy is accessed, to guarantee the preservation of a separate reality, it is necessary to part from multi-dimensional reality.
Sun in Leo and Moon in Libra are in a sextile (60°) aspect, which involves two complementary signs, sharing the same polarity, yet not the same element. The binary can work harmoniously and provide beneficial opportunities as long as there is awareness and clarity of intention on both sides.
Qualities: charm, creativity, art, generosity, grace.
Grievances: narcissism, pride, conceit, arrogance.
Four days after exact New Moon we are moving in the second half still of the Crescent Moon, or Sowing Moon, with exact Crescent Moon occurring when the Sun and the Moon is 45° apart (Sun sextile Moon). Significant elements of the potential of the New Moon continue to emerge. It is a receptive phase, aimed at gathering information and getting ready to take action according to the Intent established or perceived during New Moon. At this stage the multidimensional Intent gently comes to terms with the ordinary reality. The question here is: “How can I communicate my Intent in ways understandable in the third-dimensional reality?” This is also a time of digestion, analysis and planning.
Astroshamanic Seal: a triangle pierced by an arrow. The seal portrays the mouth of a wolf holding a flower. The wolf offers the flower to a rose being, and as he does so the Sun enlightens him, providing immense power to this act. The wolf then descends into the Sacred Cone, taking with him the grievances generated by the above act and leaving out only the Light.
1771 – Sir Walter Scott, (5.7.7) Scottish novelist and poet (d. 1832)
1926 – René Goscinny, (5.7.5) French comic-strip author (d. 1977)
1511 – Giorgio Vasari, (5.7) Italian painter, biographer, art historian and architect (d. 1574)
1859 – Knut Hamsun, (5.7.5), Norwegian writer, Nobel Laureate (d. 1952), considered the “leader of the Neo-Romantic revolt at the turn of the century”, with works such as Hunger (1890), Mysteries (1892), Pan (1894), and Victoria (1898).
1920 – Shelley Winters, (5.7.3) American actress (d. 2006)
1958 – Madeleine Stowe, (5.7) American actress. The Last of the Mohicans (1992), Twelve Monkeys (1995)
1969 – Edward Norton, (5.7.8) American actor. The Illusionist (2006)
1969 – Christian Slater, (5.7) American actor
1969 – Donnie Wahlberg, (5.7.1) American actor and singer (New Kids On The Block)
1988 – Brady Corbet, (5.7) American actor
1974 – Amy Adams, (5.7) American actress
1926 – Lina Wertmüller, (5.7.4) Italian film director
1945 – Wim Wenders, (5.7.3) German-born film director
1941 – Paul Anka, (5.7) Canadian singer and composer
1962 – Marc Lavoine, (5.7.5) French singer and actor. In 1985, his hit single “Elle a les yeux revolver” allowed him to reach the top of the French chart.
1765 – William IV of the United Kingdom (5.7.5) (d. 1837)
1903 – Lucienne Boyer, (5.7.5) French singer (d. 1983). Parlez-moi d’amour
1939 – Luther Allison, (5.7) American musician (d. 1997)
1958 – Belinda Carlisle, (5.7.11) American singer “Heaven is a place on earth”, “La luna”
1966 – Lee Ann Womack, (5.7) American musician. I Hope You Dance
1954 – François Valéry, (5.7) French singer-songwriter and composer
1980 – Vanessa Carlton, (5.7) American singer/songwriter
1963 – Tori Amos, (5.7.8, Uranus-Pluto Flower, Uranus Power), American pianist, singer/songwriter (born August 22, 1963) In Piece by Piece, written with journalist Ann Powers, she devoted two chapters to exploring the Gnostic belief that Mary Magdalene wrote the canonical Gospel of John. The Beekeeper
H. P. Blavatsky Russian theosophist (d. 1891). (5.7.4, Neptune Branch).
Johannes Valentinus Andreae (August 17, 1586 —June 27, 1654), (5.7), German theologian who claimed to be the author of the Chymische Hochzeit Christiani Rosencreutz anno 1459 (1616, Strasbourg, the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz) one of the three founding works of the Rosicrucians.
East Midlands, West Midlands
D5-7-1 DERBYSHIRE, GB-DBY: Matlock, Derby
D5-7-2 NOTTIGHAMSHIRE, GB-NTT: West Bridgford, Nottingham, GB-NGM
D5-7-3 LINCOLNSHIRE, GB-LIN, (part of): Lincoln
D5-7-4 LEICESTERSHIRE, GB-LEC: Glenfield, Leicester; RUTLAND, GB-RUT: Oakham
D5-7-11 WEST MIDLANDS, Birmingham, GB-BIR
D5-7-12 WEST MIDLANDS, Coventry, GB-COV; Dudley, GB-DUS; Sandwell, GB-SAW; Solihull, GB-SOL; Walsall, GB-WLL; Wolverhampton, GB-WLW
Handorian States Reference:
State of Harte, Realm of Harnort – 5.7
Harnort occupies the Northern territory of the State of Hartem and is bounded by Tudor, Trent and Handor. Hartnor is a most recent nation. It was once the smallest and remotest territory of Harte, the extreme edge of the State and also quite a dull, insipid location. The Hartemian expression “Go to Harnor!” was a hilarious way of conveying to the recipient that you prefer not to be in his-her company. Then, as a result of an intricate story, which I abstain to relate at least for now, the territory of Harnort increased in size, and is currently the largest nation.
5-7-1 RUTILANT RING, R.Suatha, Right Carotid Artery, Enlgihtenment
5-7-2 ROARING RUPERT, R.Suatra, Entertainment
5-7-3 RAG, R.Suatma
5-7-4 ECHT, R.Suatqu
5-7-5 RIVET + HARTEM NORT, R.Suatsu, Robot
5-7-6 ESCORT, R.Suatks
5-7-7 EARNEST, R.Suatat
5-7-8 RICOHET, R.Suatha
5-7-9 RED GIANT (Reaching), R.Suatni, Left Cornoray Vein
5-7-10 RED CARPET, Right Lung, R.Suatsa
5-7-11 RED HERRING, R.Suatur
5-7-12 EAST HARNORT, R.Suatta
Bridal Chamber and “Relationships ®”
Cryptic fragments from a talk on the Bridal Chamber…
One of the most captivating features of the Gnostic Christian mysteries is the Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber, which in the Gospel of Philip represents the Way to Christhood.
The customary tantalising question here is “was this sacrament merely symbolic, or did it imply an actual sexual union?”
Although the answer to this question makes a huge difference in conventional and religious terms, from the pure shamanic perspective it is entirely irrelevant. Here what counts is the experience rather than the symbolic elements used to describe the experience itself. In this respect whether it is the physical sexual intercourse, or any other metaphorical expression of sacred unions, such as the Holy Communion, the only pertinent question is: “does it serve the Intent of actually linking human separated reality with the Divine and the ecstatic realms of our True Self? Is this a pragmatic way or generating the Christ? Does this bring healing to me, the others and the whole environment?”, “Does it serve the Plan of Salvation?”.
When the answer to such questions is “yes”, this evidently proves that through a specific configuration I have attained the desired outcome, yet it does not necessarily mean that the configuration is the outcome. Here I acknowledge that there were probably other elements of which I was not aware, and also envisage the possibility that the realization of the desired result is the consequence of further methods I used before.
I am not in a condition to identify the whole methodological sequence. All I have is the experience. As I gather more and more experiences, perhaps I will be able to get a vague idea of the dynamics involved. At that stage, it is likely that I will decide to establish a new configuration, a structured and effective way of achieving the desired results, a model that others can employ and imitate, and that I will do my best to promote. This is the point when the configuration gradually becomes the focus of attention, until it turns out to be more important than the experience it is supposed to produce.
Here I get so involved with the configuration that I even forget about the experience. And this is exactly what happens in our separated reality, where an arbitrary configuration rules sovereign upon a population of imitators. One of the greatest offences to consciousness is that human beings are expected to devote their life to an arbitrary configuration without getting anything in return.
I have lost touch of my Intent. All I have are arbitrary systems aimed at achieving something I desperately long for, yet of which I frankly do not have a clue. Indeed, nobody seems to care about truly getting that something. Although it is the driving urge in the separated reality advertising structure, it remains undelivered.
It is the primary source of energy, the device supplying the original arousal. Yet, once I am stirred up, the separated reality takes over, veiling the Source. This keeps happening again and again, faster and faster, until I lose sight of the gap between the Source and the separated world. Hence, I regard the separated world as the source, which is unerringly what most seem to do on this boulder.
Although I may have some timid reservations, who am I to challenge the whole advertising system? What happens if I am turned on by the Source without going through the separated reality? This is indeed a likely, though fatal, occurrence, which may lead me into deep troubles. Yes, for at that point, the separated reality will not arouse me anymore, at least not as it did before. And if the arbitrary reality does not turn me on, this is a serious problem. I need to do something about it, which appears to be the most popular activity of folks here.
The first step is to differentiate between Intent and separated reality. The separated reality is not the Intent, and when I focus only on one configuration I rule out other configurations.. There are plenty of configurations, and all potentially lead to the desired results, as long as I do not confuse the desired result with the configuration.
For example, one of the most largely advertised configurations in our separated world is Relationships ®. Here it is given for granted that through this configuration I will achieve the desired result, i.e. Love, the Source, God. This means that if I do not achieve the desired result there must be something wrong with me, certainly not with the configuration.
Hence, I continue to insist with it until I do not remember anymore what I wanted to achieve with this configuration, what was the experience involved. All my focus and energy goes to the configuration.
During this binary 5.7, having acquired the power of discrimination in 5.6, we face the glorious opportunity of differentiating between configuration and Intent. This is a major chance of retrieving our original Source of power, for in 5.7 this power encounters its major challenge.
Take time to examine your relationships. Honestly ask yourself: “What is my Intent in this relationship?” Also ask your partner “What is your Intent in this relationship?” This question will stir up your solar plexus energy. It is your birthright to ask these questions. It is your life purpose to embrace the answer and make it your sole allegiance. And as you abandon yourself to this sacred embrace, methods fade away as submissive gatekeepers. Then the doors may open…
Solar Plexus
The solar plexus is the centre closer to our Core Multidimensional Identity (CMI). Please be aware that this is merely a strategic statement delivered in the context of Sector 5. Herewith I also mention that the human central identity appears to be located in a peripheral, or strategically capricious, configuration, which is virtually separated from CMI. I call this separated reality, the Human Arbitrary Configuration (HAC).
Despite its separation HAC cannot survive without a direct link with CMI. This link is managed by the Provisional Order and includes what AFS Bogus labels as the bona fide horny bit. Since the existence of this link challenges its strategic denial, which is implicit in the nature of HAC, it follows that the linking device is paradoxically perceived both as the source of maximum attraction and aversion.
This linking device is socially represented by the Provisional Order, to which a certain category of shamans belong. In the context of the physical body, according to the strategy of these 5 binary sequences, it resides in the solar plexus. Entering fully in the solar plexus allows access to sheer and uncontaminated ecstasy, whose nature is experientially undeniable. It is the peak of whatever is humanly desirable, i.e. what truly turns us on. Yet, since this experience of this peak is incompatible with HAC, the mechanics of its access are obscured in human awareness.
With 5.7 I definitely enter into the autumn cycle, which marks the start of the path of obscuration. It is a most controversial phase for it confronts with the experience of ecstasy, and its almost simultaneous denial. This development pragmatically manifests in human relationships based on solar plexus interaction, which includes all sentimental, creative, competitive, sensual and sexual rapports. According to my current speculation, the solar plexus is the source of our pristine vital energy and the access zone to CMI. Yet, the link with this source is obscured by a rerouting device, which disconnects human perception from multi-dimensional awareness and leads into consensus hallucinatory reality, or HAC.
Human relationships are shamanically aimed at strengthening the solar plexus connection with CMI, the web of life, the activation of the original umbilical chord linking us to the ecstatic realms. The attraction element in relationships is a controlled reflection of the multi-dimensional realms serving the purpose of filtering the energy required for generating HAC. Yet, once this energy is accessed, to guarantee the preservation of HAC, it is necessary to part from multi-dimensional reality (non-HAC).
In which way does the rerouting device operate in shifting human perception from non-HAC to HAC? This multifarious process develops through the confusion between symbolic and energetic level, i.e. level one and level two, or HAC and non-HAC respectively. The symbolic HAC level is the source of attraction, the bait that draws my attention to the solar plexus centre, the physical gate-way to the multi-dimensional realms. The energetic level is the multi-dimensional or ecstatic experience itself, devoid of any symbolic or advertising elements, i.e. the bona fide horny bit.
The aim of the shamanic operator is to employ the symbolic HAC element in order to access, and relate with, the ecstatic realm, while the purpose of the rerouting device is to relate with the symbolic HAC element. Hence, the shift from multi-dimensional to HAC hallucinatory reality takes place when the focus becomes the relationship with the symbolic element, rather than the energy portrayed by the symbol. It is like receiving a telephone call from a most loving person and experiencing a climax of joy.
The mobile phone is the tool that allows me to communicate with that person, yet it is not the person. I can also access that person through another telephone device and I can even meet her-him directly. Yet, these options are contrary to the programming of the rerouting device, whose aim is to induce the association of the loving person with that particular mobile phone. Hence, the mobile phone becomes the object of my relationship, the focus of my loving desire. This condition will inevitably cause some confusion, especially when I realise that I can also receive calls from other people or when the batteries run out.